About Me

I am currently a full professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (UAI), Santiago, Chile. Previously, I was a full professor and head of the Department of Computer Sciences, at the Universidad de Concepción, Chile,  where I was also  the founder and director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory  (2004-2016).  I was assistant professor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile), and a Lecturer at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso.   I got  a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from University of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) , and a B.Eng and M.Eng degrees in Computer Sciences from UTFSM. In the last 25 years, I have been involved in teaching, research and consulting in Chile and universities and research centers worldwide. I have also led several scientific and technological projects funded by national and international agencies, and private companies.
In 2010,I received the ACM Senior Member Award for international contributions to computer sciences in the scientific and practical side.
I’m actively involved in basic and applied research in the areas of Natural-Language Processing, Text Mining,  Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Some of my research has currently being applied to address complex problems in private companies including intelligent text analysis and mining, predictive models for fraud detection, opinion mining, intelligent interfaces, and question-answering systems.
 Further details can be found in my Curriculum Vitae.