
Refereed Journals

[1]J. Atkinson and A. Maurelia.

Redundancy-based Trust in Question-Answering Systems. IEEE Computer, January 2017.

[2]J. Atkinson and A. Figueroa.

Ensembling Classifiers for Detecting Users Intentions behind Web Queries. IEEE Internet Computing, 20(2):8–16, January 2016.

[3]J. Atkinson and D. Reyes.

A Masked Keypoint-based Person Re-Identification Model for Video-Surveillance.

Communications of the ACM (In Press), 2017.

[4]J. Atkinson, G. Montecinos, and D. Curtis.

Question-Driven Topic-based Extraction of Protein-Protein Interaction Methods from Biomedical Literature. Information Sciences, 360(10):170–180, 2016.

[5]J. Atkinson and D. Campos.

Improving BCI-based Emotion Recognition by Combining EEG Feature Selection and Kernel Classifiers. Expert Systems with Applications, (47):35–41, December 2015.

[6]J. Atkinson, G. Salas, and A. Figueroa.

Improving Opinion Retrieval in Social Media by Combining Features-based Co-referencing and Memory-based Learning. Information Sciences, 299(2):20–31, December 2014.

[7]J. Atkinson, M. Munoz, A. Gonzalez, and H. Astudillo.

Web Metadata Extraction and Semantic Indexing for Learning Objects Extraction. Applied Intelligence, 41(2):649–664, September 2014.

[8]J. Atkinson, A. Figueroa, and C. Perez.

A Semantically-based Lattice Approach for Assessing Patterns in Text Mining Tasks.

Computers and Systems, December 2013.

[9]J. Atkinson, A. Figueroa, and C. Andrade.

Evolutionary Optimization for Ranking How-to Questions based on User-Generated Contents. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(17):7060–7068, December 2013.

[10]J. Atkinson and R. Munoz.

Rhetorics-based Multi-Document Summarization.

Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11):4346–4352, September 2013.

[11] J. Atkinson and V. Bull.

A Multi-Strategy Approach to Biological Named Entity Recognition.

Expert Systems with Applications, 39(17), December 2012.

[12] A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Contextual Language Models for Ranking Answers to Natural Language Definition Questions.

Computational Intelligence, Wiley-Blackwell (ISI) , 28(4):528–548, November 2012.

[13] H. Hromic and J. Atkinson.

Stochastic Web-based Natural Language Dialogue Planning for Web Information Filtering.

Expert Systems with Applications, 39(10):9420–9426, August 2012.

[14] J. Atkinson and J. Matamala.

Evolutionary Shallow Natural Language Parsing.

Computational Intelligence, Wiley-Blackwell , 28(2):156–175, May 2012.

[15] F. Gutierrez and J. Atkinson.

Evolutionary Constrained Self-Localization for Autonomous Agents.

Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 11(4):3600–3607, June 2011.

[16] F. Gutierrez and J. Atkinson.

Adaptive Feedback Selection for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (ISI) , 38(5):6146–6152, May 2011.

[17] J. Godoy, J. Atkinson, and A. Rodriguez.

Geo-Referencing with Semi-Automatic Gazetter Expansion using Lexico-Syntactical Patterns.

International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor and Francis, 25(1):149–170, January 2011.

[18] A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Answering Definition Questions: Dealing with Data Sparseness in Lexicalised Dependency Trees-Based Language Models.

In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing , volume 45, pages 297–310. Springer, 2010.

[19] A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Designing a Feedback Component of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Foreign Language.

In International Journal of Knowledge-based Systems (ISI) , volume 22, pages 496–501. Elsevier, October 2009.

[20] J. Atkinson, A. Ferreira, and E. Aravena.

Discovering Implicit Intention-Level Knowledge from Natural-Language Texts.

In International Journal of Knowledge-based Systems (ISI) , volume 22, pages 502–508. Elsevier, October 2009.

[21] A. Figueroa, G. Neumann, and J. Atkinson.

Searching for Location Answers to Natural-Language Questions on the Internet based on Molecular Sequence Alignment Strategies.

IEEE Computer (ISI), pages 68–76, April 2009.

[22] A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Intelligent Answering Location Questions from the Web using Molecular Alignment.

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Springer , 35(1):75–90, April 2009.

[23] J. Atkinson and D. Rojas.

On-the- y Generation of Multi-Agent Team Formation Strategies.

In Expert Systems with Applications (ISI), volume 36, pages 6082–6090. Elsevier, April 2009.

[24] A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Using Dependency Paths for Answering Definition Questions on the Web.

In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing , pages 643–650. Springer, 2009.

[25] A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Disminución de la sobrecarga de información en la Web a partir de interacciones dialógicas hombre-computador. SIGNOS (ISI), 42(69):9–27, 2009.

[26]M. Pinninghoff, R. Contreras, and J. Atkinson. Using Genetic Algorithms to Model Road Networks. IEEE Computer (ISI), 41(12):60–67, December 2008.

[27]J. Atkinson and A. Rivas.

Discovering Novel Causal Patterns from Biomedical Natural-Language Texts Using Bayesian Nets.

IEEE Transactions on Information technology in Biomedicine (ISI) , 12(6):714–722, November 2008.

[28] M. Pinninghoff, R. Contreras, and J. Atkinson.

Designing Road Networks For Transport Planning using Evolutionary Computation.

In Applied Artificial Intelligence (ISI), volume 22, pages 921–936. Taylor and Francis Group, October 2008.

[29] J. Atkinson and A. Ferreira.

Interactive Explanatory and Descriptive Natural-Language based Dialogue for Intelligent Information Filtering. In Advances in Computers (ISI), pages 61–101. Elsevier, December 2007.

[30] J. Atkinson and D. Rojas.

Generating Dynamic Robotic Formation Strategies based on Human Experience and Game Conditions. In RoboCup 2007, Atlanta, USA. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 5001, pages 159–170. Springer, July 2007.

[31] J. Atkinson and C. Castro.

Crossed-Line Segmentation for Low-level Vision. In RoboCup 2007, Atlanta, USA. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 5001, pages 472–479. Springer, July 2007.

[32] A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Using syntactic distributional patterns for data-driven answer extraction from the web.

In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 4293, pages 985–995. Springer, November 2006.

[33] A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Molecular sequence alignment for extracting answers for where-typed questions from google snippets. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 4251, pages 1190–1197. Springer, October 2006.

[34] A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Intelligent search agents using web-driven natural language explanatory dialogs. IEEE Computer (ISI), pages 44–52, October 2005.

[35] A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Towards effective adaptive information Filtering using natural language dialogs and search-driven agents. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 3533, pages 290–299. Springer, 2005.

[36] J. Atkinson.

A domain-independent approach to discourse-level knowledge discovery from texts.

In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 3533, pages 470–479. Springer, 2005.

[37] J. Atkinson and C. Mellish.

Combining information extraction with genetic algorithms for text mining.

IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications (ISI) , 19(3):2–30, May 2004.

[38] J. Atkinson.

Semantically-driven explanatory text mining: Beyond keywords.

In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 3315, pages 275–285. Springer, 2004.

[39] J. Atkinson and C. Mellish.

A semantically-guided and domain-independent evolutionary model for knowledge discovery from texts.

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (ISI) , 7(6):546–560, December 2003.

[40] A. Ferreira and John Atkinson.

A model for generating explanatory web-based natural-language dialog interactions for documents ltering.

Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (ISI) , 34(1):2–19, 2002.

[41] J. Atkinson and A. Ferreira.

The design and implementation of the GILENA natural language interfaces specification language. ACM SIGPLAN (ISI), 33(9):108–117, September 1998.



[1]C. Zaror, J. Atkinson, P. Catalan, P. Cendoya, and L. Parada.

Learning outcomes to meet international standard in engineering education at the Universidad de Concepcion. In 3er Seminario Internacional en Gestión del Capital Humano en Minería (HRMining 2014), Santiago , November 2014.

[2]K. Englmeier, J. Atkinson, J. Mothe, F. Murtagh, and J. Pereira.

A Context Description Language for Medical Information Systems. In MUSIC 2013 – The 4th International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing (MUSIC-13), South Korea, September 2013.

[3]G. Gatica, C. Contreras, P. Reyes, J. Willmer, and J. Atkinson.

Discovering an algorithm for the strip packing problem using a computational game. In 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy , July 2013.

[4]J. Atkinson, M. Munoz, A. Gonzalez, and H. Astudillo.

Web Metadata Extraction and Semantic Indexing for Learning Objects Extraction. In IEA/AIE: the 26th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Amsterdam, Nederlands, June 2013.

[5]H. Hromic and J. Atkinson.

Intelligent Web-based Natural Language Dialogue Planning for Web Information Filtering. In IEA/AIE: the 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Dalian, China, June 2012.

[6]A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Maximum Entropy Context Models for Ranking Biographical Answers to Open-Domain Definition Questions.

In Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11), San Francisco, California, USA  August 2011.

[7]Fernando Gutiérrez and J. Atkinson.

Autonomous Robotics Self-Localization using Genetic Algorithms.

In The annual IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), New York, USA . IEEE CS Press, November 2009.

[8]J. Atkinson and J. Matamala.

Chunking Natural Language Texts using Evolutionary Methods.

In The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Pisa, Italia , November 2009.

[9]A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Using Dependency Paths for Answering Definition Questions on the Web.

In 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Portugal , October 2009.

[10]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Designing a Feedback Component of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Foreign Language. In SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence . Springer, December 2008.

[11]J. Atkinson, A. Ferreira, and E. Aravena.

Discovering Implicit Intention-Level Knowledge from Natural-Language Texts.

In SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence . Springer, December 2008.

[12]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Generating Effective Feedback for Intelligent Tutoring of Foreign Language.

In 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Barcelona, Spain , September 2008.

[13]J. Atkinson, A. Ferreira, and Elvis Aravena.

Mining for Rhetorical Knowledge from Natural-Language Texts.

In 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Barcelona, Spain , September 2008.

[14]D. Rojas and J. Atkinson.

Generating Dynamic Robotic Formation Strategies based on Human Experience and Game Conditions. In RoboCup Simposium, Atlanta, USA, July 2007.

[15]C. Castro and J. Atkinson.

Crossed-Line Segmentation for Low-level Vision . In RoboCup Simposium, Atlanta, USA, July 2007.

[16]A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Using syntactic distributional patterns for data-driven answer extraction from the web. In MICAI 2006, Mexico, November 2006.

[17]J. Atkinson, J. Gonzalez, C. Castro, D. Rojas, A. Arriagada, and F. Gutierrez. UdeCans Team Description. IEEE 3rd Latinamerican Robotics Symposium, LARS , pages 227–230, November 2006.


[18]A. Figueroa and J. Atkinson.

Molecular sequence alignment for extracting answers for where-typed questions from google snippets. KES 2006, International Conference on Knowledge-based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, October 2006.

[19]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Towards effective adaptive information Filtering using natural language dialogs and search-driven agents. In 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), number 3533 in 1, pages 290–299, 2005.

[20]J. Atkinson.

A domain-independent approach to discourse-level knowledge discovery from texts. In 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), number 3533 in 1, pages 470–479, 2005.

[21]J. Atkinson.

Semantically-driven explanatory text mining: Beyond keywords.

In Advances in Artificial Intelligence-IBERAMIA 2004, Mexico, number 3315 in 1, pages 275–285, 2004.

[22]J. Atkinson, C. Mellish, and S. Aitken.

An evolutionary genre-based and domain-independent approach for high-level knowledge discovery from texts. In AAAI Symposium on Mining Answers from Texts and Knowledge Bases, Stanford, CA March 2002.

[23]J. Atkinson.

A domain-independent evolutionary approach for corpus high-level knowledge discovery from texts. In SIGSCE, Cincinnati, USA, March 2002.

[24]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Web-based natural language explanatory generation for assisting dialog interactions aimed at information Filtering. In EPIA01: 10th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence , December 2001.

[25]J. Atkinson, A. Ferreira, and V. Riquelme.

Cooperative learning on autonomous agents acquiring common language for action and perception.

In International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society/IEEE CS Press, Santiago, Chile , November 2000.

[26]J. Atkinson, A. Ferreira, and A. Bassi.

Un método experimental para el preprocesamiento y etiquetado automático de textos en lenguaje natural.

In Proceedings of the Chilean Computing Meeting, Santiago, Chile , November 2000.

[28]J. Atkinson and J. Carrasco.

An adaptive approach for generating behavior nets on intelligent agents. In International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society/IEEE CS Press, Talca Chile , pages 9–18, November 1999.

[29]J. Atkinson and J. Carrasco.

An approach for controlling an autonomous agent by dynamically generating run-time behavior nets. In Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Buenos Aires, Argentina , September 1999.

[30]J. Atkinson and J. Carrasco.

An evolutionary model for dynamically controlling a behavior-based autonomous agent.

In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Orlando (USA) , pages 16–24, July 1999.

[31]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Motivating Spanish acquisition as a foreign language through a multimedia system.

In World Conference on Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Melbourne, Australia , July 1998.

[32]J. Atkinson and A. Ferreira.

Parsing natural language in GILENA.

In Latinamerican Conference on Informatics (CLEI), Valparaiso, Chile , November 1997.

[33]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson.

Using a multimedia system for improving the teaching-learning of latin. In International Conference on Theory and Practice of Multimedia CALL, University of Exeter, England , September 1997.


[34]J. Atkinson and A. Ferreira.

A practical algorithm for parsing non-deterministic ATN-based natural language.

In IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Calgary, Canada , July 1997.

[35]J. Atkinson.

A Flexible new language for specifying and generating natural-language systems.

In The Third Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, Seoul, Korea , pages 612–615, December 1995.

[36]J. Atkinson, J. Canas, and M. Solar.

Experimental platform for hypercube networks programming.

In Proceedings of the III Chilean Computing Meeting, Concepcion, Chile , pages 95–102, November 1994.

[37]J. Atkinson and H. von Brand.

Teaching formal and natural languages processing using GILENA. In The III Iberoamerican Conference of Higher Education in Computing, Concepcion, Chile , pages 96–105, October 1994.

[38]C. Moraga, J. Atkinson, and J. Canas.

Parallel architectures to compute fuzzy inferences based on the Goedel implication.

In XX Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, Monterrey, Mexico , pages 681–691, September 1994.

[39] J. Atkinson, J. Canas, and M. Solar.

Communicating support for multicomputers programming on hypercube networks.

In XX Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, Monterrey, Mexico , pages 1395–1404, September 1994.

[40]J. Atkinson.

Designing natural-language interfaces using an automatic tool.

In The II International Conference on Informatics, Mendoza, Argentina , pages 441–449, June 1994.

[41]J. Atkinson.

Automatic generation of natural-language interfaces.

In World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED’93), Edinburgh (UK) , August 1993.

[42]J. Atkinson and J. Canas.

GILENA: A natural-language interfaces generator.

In XVIII Latinamerican Conference on Informatics (CLEI), Spain , pages 106–117, September 1992.


Books and/or Chapters


[1]J. Atkinson and M. Solar.

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems in Chile.

In Max Bramer, editor, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (ISI) , number 5640 in 1, pages 1–10. Springer, 2009.

[2]J. Atkinson.

Intelligent Text Mining: Putting Evolutionary Methods and Language Technologies Together. In Min Song and Yi-Fang Brook Wu, editors, Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies  Information Science Reference, 2008.

[3]A. Ferreira and J. Atkinson. Intelligent Search Engines.

In Yearbook of science and technology. McGraw-Hill, 2007.

[4]J. Atkinson.

Evolving Explanatory Novel Patterns for Semantically-based Text Mining.

In Anne Kao and Steve R. Poteet, editors, Natural Language Processing and Text Mining (Hardcover) Springer, 2007.

[5]J. Atkinson. Intelligent text mining.

In Xuan Zha, editor, Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Intelligent Information Systems: Emerging Technologies and Applications. Idea Group Publishing, 2006.

[6]J. Atkinson and et al.

VISION 2020: An International View of Future. KTH Tryck Kopiering, Sweden, 1995.